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Sonntag, 17. Juni 2012, 21:37

So, new Test screenshoot from my try to change window mode from Game.

Thnx annoclick, this i have fully forget to show.

And so, here Test resolution 1680x1050 resized.

here with max zoom to Cathedral.

Here i have should to set my first desktop to 2048x1536 screen size mode, to can make this change on window from game.

here next screenshoot, i have rotate view.

And Now, new test. 1800x1440 screensize Mode.

and another with rotate view, so here you can see in this size the Fort and Cathedral.

Here on all my screenshoot, i have try, to make displacement from Game Window with resized Game Screen Mode.

1800x1400 Game screen Mode, is max resolution done, into Anno-1701 Game.

But here into Anno 1503, here i should change any other little things, because here by made my try under this screen-size mode, i have remark little special feature, Button-clic on icon is off-locate, so i should relocate all off located icon clic to new emplacement from icon, so as game run perfectly into each screen size mode.

So you can see it, change resource into game is don't simply to make it, but it is possible.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »colombus« (17. Juni 2012, 22:18)


Frisch Angeheuert

  • »annocolick« ist der Autor dieses Themas

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Sonntag, 17. Juni 2012, 22:16

Thx for the ss Colombus, is it looks little bit blurry ? like taking original resolution (1280x1024) and expand it to 1680x1050, is it expand the original res or resize it to 1680x1050 ? i'm not sure about it or maybe you gave some anti aliashing to it, thank you.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »annocolick« (17. Juni 2012, 22:17)



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Sonntag, 17. Juni 2012, 22:51

wait, wait annoclick!

Here, you should don't me misunderstand by my explain.

Here, i have explain it, i have change screen size mode, not game content icon, any other feature.

So i have expand original screen size 1280 to new resolution.
and here you can compare it with this original Screen-Game-Mode under Anno-1701.

So here, max Zoom.
The Difference, yes, here, icon size etc.... is all on size from 1440x900 pixel size.

Here the screenshoot, i have make by modify resolution.
Here, is only Screen scale which was resize. Not feature, we are content by normal Game mode settings in this resolution.

So here, the pixel size from Game is = 1280x1024 but with expand window screen to new resolution.

here my test, was only to verify, if the window resolution support this size.

And i don't have touch on picture quality, the picture was make by screenshoot, and save it into .jpg file format under adobe photoshop.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »colombus« (17. Juni 2012, 23:02)


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  • »annocolick« ist der Autor dieses Themas

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Sonntag, 17. Juni 2012, 23:27

Yes i misunderstood, thanks for your explain.

My antialiashing stuff was not to picture quality,

the game anno it was looking like has antialiashing.

I thought you gave some aa from your graphics card control panel, i'm always giving aa to old games which don't support, for getting more quality from game. Anyway i'm waiting your patch :) thank you.



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Montag, 18. Juni 2012, 01:17

To now, i use a tool, to modify this window Size.
So now, i have knowledge about correct window adress into hardcoded Programm. The first Problem which i encounter is, to idendify the downclic mouse button data adress, tomorrow i will search more information about this function, on assembler language code.
And second Problem is to understand crypted data into game.
Because, my tool, have found location into hardcoded program, but into Hardcoded Program, this same value are Crypted or rather encoded.

My first screenshoot, we i have done (option view into game (800x600 size)), yes this is solved, this i know his emplacement, and his data location.
But here, i should to locate emplacement from option menu, which content size selection made by user.

By Programmer Community, it don't give help.
By Hacker Community, it give only a real small amount of people, we have knowledge about ressource modification. Others people don't have knowledge about so special modification.

So here you have knowledge about real difficulty, which encounter ressource change into game.



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Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2012, 20:50

yeah, now i have make new step to forward.
Now, i have found the possibility to modify Window class used by game.
so i make try, to can change this window class to another class, i continue my search to can insert the same window class, we are used by anno 1701 game.

So i try to change this, to have on window a bar tittle, which contain option "minimize" , "Enlarge" and "close" window.



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Dienstag, 31. Juli 2012, 17:49

so now here!

This view, is next generation of window from anno1503 game.

So with thiis is possible to move window on full screen.
here, i have tested to use this new window on my second monitor, it's run perfectly.
so you can use it to play on all monitor if you use multiple monitor.



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Donnerstag, 2. August 2012, 00:34

Well, here is this still more good news, I just today find a little tool, that will allow me to quickly find other missing locating adress from data, from this window resource .

And with this tool, this will help me to advance more quickly, to finishing the patch.


Frisch Angeheuert

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Dienstag, 5. September 2017, 15:37

I thought I answered on this a while ago. Apparently, I didnt.

I am really interested in your tool. I currently have the standard german edition and the german königs edition and i would like to play it in a higher resolution. I have a 4k screen (3840x2160) No clue if the engine supports that, but i want to use the highest resolution possible with that ratio. I know this is old, but I am even willed to pay you for it

Admiral Drake


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Dienstag, 5. September 2017, 15:57

as far as I know colombus never finished this "patch".
The 1503 grafics are not modelled by a 3D-Design but simple data streams (like a bitmap) which are mapped on screen and puzzled together from the elementary objects (water, landscape, buildings, nature and figures).
The elementary files exist in 4 positions (the 4 sides of a building eg) in 3 sizes according to the 3 choiceable sizes in the game.

So you con resize the complete screen by changing the monitor resolution but not get a higher resolution or other width to height factor (or what ever is the correct english wording for 4:3 eg).

never the less - have fun with 1503, there are a lot of szenarios, 2 additional campagnes (all made by Annozone users) and 2 modifications made by Dickerbaer and me ... - to find in the AnnoPool.
  Nur wer nichts tut, macht auch keine Fehler. Nicht meckern, sondern anpacken !


Frisch Angeheuert

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Mittwoch, 6. September 2017, 12:53

I am actually completely fine with these limitations and expected them. Still would have been nice to play at a higher resolutions as it looks slightly better to me. (judging from the pictures)



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Mittwoch, 6. September 2017, 18:36

As Admiral Drake try to explain, there is no way to switch the resolution to something other then the game offers. The resolutions given by the game are hard coded.


Frisch Angeheuert

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Mittwoch, 6. September 2017, 20:01

i have tried to force the screen resolution.
The graphics will scale to the new resolution, but the engine doesn't recognize the new position of the elements.
You get in trouble if you just want do start a new game.
It's difficult to hit buttons by not clicking on them ^^

If you like to spend a little bit time and are not annoyed if it doesn't work, give dgVoodoo2 a try.

Google after that. The Game-Store GOG use this often to make Old games runnable on new machines.